Based on the information you supply on the role you are recruiting for (location, job title & job function), the system will provide you with a recommended list of job boards based on a combination of past performance data and logic.
*This will most likely look different in your ATS
Past performance data
Past performance data is the data that we have collected from the job postings of all of VONQs client base across our channel portfolio. The data that we collect click data and anonymized applicant volume data. Using this we can recommend channels that have delivered a good level of click traffic & applications.
The logic element is based on how we categorize channels. For example, when recruiting for a developer in London, software development-related channels with high UK traffic appear.
Our algorithm is continuously learning over time as we collect more data from our customers.
Recommendation output
If the right channels are available, the recommendation engine provides 6 results:
2 x Generic channels (e.g. Monster, StepStone)
2 x Niche Channels (e.g. Github, ResearchGate)
2 x Social Channels (e.g. Twitter, Facebook)
If there are no niche channels available for this particular role, only 1 or 0 niche channels are recommended.