Update Feb 2022: New Order Status
We have introduced a new product status (which was available before but not exposed/documented) to help end-users see if an ordered product wasn't processed (aka rejected).
This product status is called 'not processed', We've also added product status description to expose the reasons why an ordered product is not processed. Partners can find this change documented here under orderedProductsStatuses
. Because a campaign doesn't get rejected per se because it could contain multiple products that could have different statuses, if a campaign contains one product and this product is "not processed", then the campaign will be set to offline.
Update Dec 2021: My Contracts
It is now possible for any user to submit and use their own contracted job boards to post jobs.
API endpoints can be found here.
Wireframes can be found here.
The implementation guide can be found here.
Please let your VONQ account manager know if you want to integrate this capability.
Update Dec 2021: Total Products Delivery Time
This endpoint calculates the total number of days to process and set up a campaign containing a list of Products, given a comma-separated list of their ids.

Update Nov 2021: Show Job Board URL When No Job Ad Link is Available
If the channel (eg job board, social channel) is not able to provide us with a Job Ad publication link, we would give no URL back at all.
As of today, the API gives back the main URL of the job board if no Job Ad publication link is available.
If a Job Ad URL is available, we will show this:
If no Job Ad URL is available, we will show this:
Update Oct 2021: Support for Remote Jobs
The Hiring API supports remote jobs.
This is triggered by sending 'allowsRemoteWork' with values 0 or 1.
Since the field is optional, if no value is selected, we default to 0.
This information should be sent to us when ordering a campaign.
View how to design this in our wireframes section.
It is still mandatory to send a working location as not all channels support remote jobs.
Hence, the channel can display the job in a couple of ways:
Labeled fully remote without working location
Labeled as remote with working location
Not labeled as remote but will have a normal working location and then the job title or job description will say that the job is remote.

Update March 2021: Specify Salary Currency
From now on, you can specify the currency of the Salary required for ordering a campaign. This must be a valid ISO-4217 value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217

Update March 2021: Fixed Aspect Ratio for Channel/Product Logos
We have defined aspect ratios of logos for channels and products.
Logo Square URL
Size: 68 x 68
Logo Rectangle URL
Size: 270 x 90

Update March 2021: Channel Recommendations Grouped by Media Type
If the recommendation feature is used, it will now give a recommendation by media type.
If the right channels are available, the recommendation engine provides 6 suggestions:
2 x Generic channels (e.g. Monster, StepStone)
2 x Niche Channels (e.g. Github, ResearchGate)
2 x Social Channels (e.g. Twitter, Facebook)
If there are no niche channels available, only 1 or 0 niche channels are recommended.
Update March 2021: Group Products Per Channel
From now on, the Marketplace API allows you to show channel information and group products by channel.
What is a channel?
A channel is for example StepStone Germany (https://www.stepstone.de)
What is a product?
A product is an individual job posting, i.e. StepStone Germany - Professional Posting 30 days, or
StepStone Germany.
In the 'retrieve product details' endpoint, channel information can be found.

Update March 2021: Recommended Products
The Marketplace API allows you not to only search and filter on relevant products (based on job title, job function, region and industry), but also show recommended products.
These recommended products are based on our learning algorithm that combines, historical performance, popularity, relevancy and other data points to come up with the best selection possible.
Recommended products can be shown by using the Product Search endpoint in the API.

Update Feb 2021: Multi-currency EUR, USD, GBP
The API currently supports the following currencies: EUR, USD, GBP.
Here is a video tutorial on how to find the pricing in multiple currencies and how to fetch a price of a campaign in a different currency.
Click on this link to view the tutorial: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YaiHSuDDFaFqdV118L-nT2k_EMmvGvUg/view?usp=sharing
Update Jan 2021: New API Endpoints
The new HAPI endpoints expose an expanded and richer set of features compared to previous versions. You can now search for products, filter according to your customers' needs, and take advantage of a tailored relevancy ranking.
New MAPI Summary
The development of the new Product Knowledge Base has meant that we were able to build new ways of interrogating the portfolio. Here is a quick summary of our updates:
The new endpoints are built on a new product portfolio (VONQ’s proprietary Product Knowledge Base)
The job function, industry, and location taxonomies contain new values
Partners can retrieve the new portfolio by job titles, job function, location, and the industry or by product ID
A database of job titles is available to provide search terms suggestions
All job titles are classified into job functions which enables the job function to be auto-generated when a suggested job title is selected
Job titles, job function, industry, and location all have an auto-complete feature allowing the user to see suggestions as they type in
There’s a new campaign endpoint that uses the new taxonomy values: education level and seniority haven’t changed; location is no longer part of the target group
Prices can be displayed in USD, GBP, or EUR - partner invoicing remains in EUR
The new MAPI endpoints continue to provide Dutch, English and German language support.
Product Search
This endpoint allows the user to search by job titles, job functions, industry, and location. By default, the user fetches results that match the search criteria. Optionally, they can select recommended products that orders the results by popularity and channel type.
Job title and job functions
The job function taxonomy contains new values. These values are used to describe the specialty of our niche product/boards.
Integration suggestions
VONQ has a database of around 4000 job titles (2000 canonical forms) that are associated with job functions. Each job title has an ID and upon retrieving an ID, its associated job function gets fetched. This allows the partner to integrate an auto-complete experience by which the job function gets pre-filled when a job title from the dropdown values gets selected.
Alternatively, if the user does not select a value from the job title dropdown, then they can type in any job title and ensure they input the job function themselves.
The location taxonomy contains new values. We have cleansed the location database and tags, by removing redundant location tags: eg. where a product was tagged with multiple European countries, we reduced the tag to ‘Europe’.
Integration suggestions
The user can now search by any location, even if it’s not used as a product tag specifically. Using Mapbox, we’re now able to roll a location search value up or down, eg: if the user searches for Surrey we will roll up to London or UK products if no exact results exist.
We’ve introduced searching by multiple locations. The more locations a user adds the more results they get. Location is used just in the search endpoint and not in the create campaign endpoint.
The industry taxonomy contains new values. These values are used to describe the sector in which a board can help companies hire.
Integration suggestions
This can be integrated as a dropdown of values that get auto-completed as the user starts typing. Upon selecting one of the available values the results set will expand to products that also match the industry parameters.
Product Retrieval
The option to retrieve the entire portfolio is also available via the product search endpoint. If no parameters are defined then all products are fetched.
Partners who are using the old product retrieval endpoint should switch to the new one. The old endpoint is calling a product database which will no longer be supported once all partners have switched.
Create Campaign
A new campaign endpoint was built to support the new taxonomy values. The target group taxonomy is now consuming the new job functions (previously job category) and industries. Education level and seniority remained the same. A region is no longer required as part of the target group.
Other services
Multiple currencies support
A data source for currency exchange rates against the Euro is chosen. Said data source is regularly checked within a (configurable) time frame by an automatic asynchronous process, storing the dated exchange rate for a list of supported currencies (easily extensible). The most recent saved exchange rate will then be used to convert product prices from the Euro core rate. A list of dated exchange rates and supported currencies is available for clients to consume.
Update Nov 2020: Publication Link
What is a publication link?
A publication link is a link to the actual job ad that can be found on the channel (e.g. StepStone.com or Monster.com) that is purchased by the customer.
How does a job board ad link looks like?
E.g. https://www.stepstone.com/your-customer-job-ad-senior-engineer.html
How does it look like inside the VONQ platform?

Does every purchase on every channel result in a publication link?
No, there are quite some channels that don't deliver such as links.
What message does VONQ give back when no link can be generated?
No preview available
Where can I find this feature in the API documentation?

Update Nov 2020: Status Per Channel
What does Channel Status include?
After purchasing a campaign you can see the status of the different channels.
The status shows the exact start and end date of the different channels. Besides that, you can see how long a channel has been online and how long it will remain online.
The different statuses for a channel are: pending, online, and finished. Also the start date and duration per product are added. With the product status, you will be fully up to date on the latest status of the channels in your campaign.
How does this benefit your users?
You will always be up to date on the latest status of the channels in your campaign.
How does it look like in VONQ's own platform?

Where do I find it in the API?

Update Oct 2020: Contact Information is Optional
Contact information is not mandatory anymore when ordering a campaign. However, if it’s required by a channel and not filled in by a user, the following placeholder will be used with the posting:
Contact: recruitment department
Phone number: 000000
Update Oct 2020: UTM Code Support
With this feature, we allow you (VONQ partner) and/or your customers to add UTM codes to each ordered product in a campaign, as described in the API documentation.
This capability enables you to add your own tracking to campaigns for each product (e.g. Facebook) that has been ordered.
A user can fill out UTM codes in the checkout page, a code per product in the cart.
The job detail page URL + the UTM per product will be concatenated into one URL for the URL Generator.
Empowering users | They can use the UTM codes they desire
Faster | Less time and effort needed from Delivery/Support.
Better quality | UTM codes are directly from the user. Less space for human errors
More insights | Give your customers insights from source to hire. This feature allows you to not only retrieve the performance in terms of clicks from VONQ (e.g. 10 clicks on LinkedIn for Job X) but also track it down to the applicant, qualified applicant, and/or hire. Hence, this feature allows you to show the full candidate journey from source to hire.
{ "productId": "2cbad29e-a510-52fc-bbdf-e873320e89f5",
"utm": "utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&utm_campaign=example" },
{ "productId": "89",
"utm":"utm_medium=social&utm_source=social_media_booster&utm_campaign=example" } ],