A collection of products (e.g , StepStone - Professional Posting, Facebook - Sponsored Ad). We refer to the portfolio as the collection of all job boards, social media channels, and other websites where we can advertise jobs on behalf of companies.
Single Product
A single product is one posting that a user can buy. For example, StepStone - Professional Posting with a duration of 60 days for a price of $1,099.
StepStone - Internship Posting of 30 is seen as a different product, although the channel is the same.
Most products and channels will have a logo associated with them, displayed as either a square or a rectangle.
A channel is a website that can have one or more products. For example, Monster.com.
A campaign refers to an order done by a user, that can consist of one or more products and is purchased to advertise a single job.
This refers to the order status of a campaign of a channel inside a campaign.
With performance, we refer to the performance of a specific product for a specific campaign.
For example, the performance of LinkedIn that was running in the campaign for PHP Software Developer. We measure the performance in terms of the number of clicks (e.g. 50 clicks).
Source to hire
With source to hire we are giving your users insights into the complete funnel from source to hire. An example of this funnel is source > applicant > qualified applicant > hire. By combing source and click data with your applicant and hiring data, you can offer your customer a source > hire insight.